How to become an association member

To become a member of CCTAL, your company should:
- Be a CITB registered in-scope company.
- Be involved in the construction industry with a head office based within the County of Carmarthenshire.
- Pay an annual subscription of £250.
- Attend group meetings.
- Be committed to ongoing staff training and personal development.
- Support traditional or shared apprenticeships.
- Engage with work experience programmes.
- Provide industry insights and voice your views.
- Engage with careers initiatives.
As a member, you will receive many benefits, including:
- Attendance at association meetings (with voting rights).
- Access to the association’s training courses at a reduced cost.
- Permitted use of the CCTAL logo on all company literature and marketing materials.
- Identification on the CCTAL Website.
- Access to CCTAL’s Training Manager to advise and assist with your training needs.
- The opportunity to take part in all group initiatives and activities including events, guest speaker presentations and more.
- Assistance to develop and maintain your organisation at a level of competence matching that of national service providers. This includes discounted training and links with Cyfle Building Skills Shared Apprenticeship Scheme.
- Attendance to association meetings where topical industry issues and training development can be discussed.
- Access to and involvement in all the association’s Community Benefits.

If you would like to become a member of CCTAL or would like further information, please contact Lynette Daniels, Training Manager.
*Final acceptance as an association member will be determined by the Executive Board.
Over the years, CCTAL has proven to be invaluable when meeting the training needs of our company. This has enabled us to develop our employees’ key skills and very often CCTAL have subsidised the training costs as well. We have always found that CCTAL provide a helpful and professional service and will always recommend them as a training provider.
Lloyd & Gravell Ltd. has been an active member of Carmarthenshire Construction Training Association Ltd. since its established. We have, along with other members, benefitted from the training organised and part funded by CCTAL. Sourcing training can at times be difficult and expensive where providers require a minimum number to run the training course